Organised by

Asociación Coordinadora para la Integración y la Interculturalidad en Almería (ACIIA)

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Useful information

On this website, the delegates can find important information for their further moving around conveniently by the University of Almería and Almería, such as telephone numbers of the train station, airport, places to visit in Almería, accommodation, temperature, buses , cafeterias on campus ...

Contributions delivery

1ª Phase

Send before July 15 (inc)

Response from July 20

2ª Phase

Send before September 30 (inc)

Response from September 30


For those presenting contributions:
Up to October 4
For those not presenting contributions:
Up to October 30

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HUM 665 Research Group
"Research and Evaluation in Intercultural Education"
Universidad de Almería.

Disign Angel Valverde Guil